ciao, amore

the sound of the church bells wake me up & a ray of sunshine finds it’s way in the room through the green shutters. every morning is composed of freshly squeezed orange juice and breakfast in bed- Italy is a dream i never want to wake out of.

i am currently sitting at my gate in the Madrid airport awaiting for my flight home so i’ll take a quick second to tell you all about my Italian adventure. btw- no caps, this is no school paper.

a couple months ago, my friends started to a plan quick trip to Italy to attend a wedding; and i managed to sneak along. little did we know it would turn into a 3 week adventure full of love.

the first stop was Firenze with an apartment overlooking the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore. the trip started with long walks, romantic duomo views, pda filled streets, stunning architecture, pink sunsets, good pasta, perfect chianti, gelato & charming street performers. Firenze was absolute perfection.

we then advanced to the capital of fashion- Milano. this city oozes with good taste, lots of eye candy & most importantly- shopping. i filled my suitcase with new outfits & saw the top of the city from the duomo. i sang my heart out with a little old lady & danced with a group of kids at the duomo’s piazza late at night.

then, we caught a train bound to Venezia- where we were met with pure love & where things took a turn. an invitation to dinner at the bride’s house turned into an extended stay. covid to be exact. a day before my flight home, my morning was greeted two positive covid tests.

our loving host insisted that we stay with her and forbid that we spend quarantine away from her charming home. this led to 7 days of royal quarantine filled with great food, endless sleep & lots of netflix. it just so happened that her son is a chef and let me tell you that my stomach has never been so happy. this family is composed of pure & genuine love. they did not let the language nor cultural barrier prevent them from making me their family. many neighbors & friends greeted us from the window as everyone was curious about the two americans stuck in Antonella’s house. 

the minute we tested negative, the festivities started. everyone came together to make up for all the days we’d been stuck in the house. Venezia, the Dolomiti, Padova, Verona, the beach- you name it, our new Italian mother would make all the arrangements to take us.

i fell in love with the dinner table, the peaceful long walks, the morning espressos, the karaoke drives, the 2pm spritz & chips, the beautiful strangers, the way Italian sounds, the cobble stone streets, the way there’s history in every corner, the way gelato tastes at night, the romantic views. it’s hospitality, it’s people, it’s amore.

cut to the last day in Italy, we took an impromptu drive to the fair city of Verona. my letters to juliet dream was realized. i don’t know if it was the fact that i’d leave the next morning or the beauty of the city that got my head spinning. i couldn’t stop thinking about how this trip helped me realize so many things about myself & that i never wanted for days like this to end. nonetheless, we headed home to pack our bags and just as i zipped up my suitcase i received a notification that my flight home had been canceled. i guess i am meant to live in Europe.

nevertheless, i live in the states so today i head back home. the drive to the airport was a sad one and so i heard the final “ciao, beeella” as i walked away and entered the airport. i leave with the heaviest heart but with the great realization that every girl wants- to know that a trip in a foreign country has changed her.

Grazie Italia. i’ll be back soon.

ps. also the flight home has just been delayed. i really do mean it when i say that Europe doesn’t want to let go of me.

